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The August Condominium Board meeting has been cancelled. The August meeting has been cancelled due to availability of board members. The board will hold its next regular meeting as scheduled on Thursday, September 12th at 7:00 PM. Board meetings are open to all residents and unit owners. Meetings are held telephonically. Please refer to the Calendar of Events page for information for the telephone number or link to join the meeting.
The Condominium Board holds its meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Board meetings are open to all residents and unit owners. Meetings are held telephonically. Please refer to the Calendar of Events page for information for the telephone number or link to join the meeting.
Condominium Board takes action questioning how the HOA spends funds. Then the Condominium received a letter...from the HOA's lawyers. In December 2022 the Condominium's Board of Directors wrote to the HOA questioning the use of HOA General Assessment funds paid by condominium owners for the trash collection service provided to townhome and single family homeowners. The Condominium Board also sought answers about the use of General Assessment funds for the payment of county assessments for the townhome neighborhood's private streets and alleys. Read why the Condominium Board believes the HOA should change its practices and the response from the HOA's lawyers.
Application for Parking Permits: New or Replacement
Notice of Loss to be furnished to the Condominium in cases of damage or casualty loss
Certificates of Insurance: Instructions for downloading condominium Certificates of Coverage
Architectural Control Standards and Applications for Changes (ARC)
Condominium Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 adopted by Board